Sewardstone Road Apartments

Lanesra Group

Chingford, London

Project Size:
41 apartments with ground floor retail units

Project Types:
New Built, Residential, Social Housing

We were originally appointed to regenerate and transform a run down retail parade with residential uppers in Waltham Forest into a modern mixed-use development. Our initial scheme secured planning for additional 9 apartments and extensions of the existing retail units. Around the same time the, site was identified in the emerging local plan for the potential location of a tall building and redevelopment to provide 40+ apartments.

Working to the new planning guidance and brief, it was decided that new build scheme would be more suitable for this site and provide both private and affordable apartments.

Our new proposals will provide 41 new homes above the ground floor retail space through a mix of flats and duplexes. Proposals also include a fully equipped play space and a landscaped communal roof terrace; both accessible to all residents across mixed tenures.

The scheme will create a striking, exciting building addressing the sites prominent corner location on a major junction and status as a gateway to the borough. Carefully considered massing both responds to and respects the existing local character, while at the same time looks to the Councils future vision for the junction as a District Centre.

Ample cycle parking will promote sustainable transport; as will the newly created cycle lane at the front of the site. This forms part of landscaping works that will transform the public realm to create a welcoming and safe environment complete with high quality finishes and planting. Small scale shop units will create a sense of community and vibrancy benefiting both existing and future residents while at the same time contributing to the local economy.

MDLR provided full architectural services including in house production of physical 3d printed models, drone photography, and CGI images.